🏕️ AirCamp 🏕️
I started my web development journey with the AirCamp project.
Most of the technologies I used in this project were relatively
new when building AirCamp.
AirCamp allows users to post, review and advertise campgrounds
across the globe. Users are encouraged to sign up and log in to
access all features.
Please check out the sections below for comprehensive
information about the website.
⚙️ Features ⚙️
- - Responsive web design (RWD)
- - User authentication (Login/Register/Logout) and authorization (Post/Like/Edit)
- - Flash messages responding to users' interaction
- - Refactored with ES6 and ES7 syntax (eg: async/await)
- - RESTful API
🛠️ Technologies 🛠️
- - JavaScript
- - Bootstrap
- - ejs
- - Node
- - express
- - mongodb